Sedation Dentistry: A Game-Changer for Patients with Dental Anxiety

Does the idea of stepping foot in a dentist’s office make you feel tense and anxious? You’re certainly not alone! It’s estimated that over a third (36%) of people in the U.S. have some level of dental anxiety, ranging from merely dreading office visits to avoiding the dentist at all costs—even when it’s absolutely necessary. 

The good news? Dental sedation (AKA “sleep dentistry”) makes it possible to overcome your anxiety, feel at ease in the dentist’s chair, and get the care you need to maintain a healthy smile. It’s truly a game-changer! 

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety, also known as dentophobia or odontophobia, is a condition that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It’s very common for people who had past traumatic experiences at the dentist, but sometimes it can be related to a fear of pain or feeling a lack of control during treatments. 

Others may avoid the dentist due to embarrassment about the condition of their teeth or because they have sensory sensitivities that make dental procedures feel overwhelming. 

Regardless of why you have anxiety, we understand. Being in the dentist’s chair and having someone doing things to your mouth is a vulnerable position to be in, even for those who don’t have anxiety. But it’s important to recognize that dental anxiety often causes more than just psychological discomfort—it can have serious consequences for your oral health.

For example, postponing or completely avoiding dental visits can lead to undetected dental issues, like cavities or gum disease, which often don’t have noticeable symptoms until they’re in the later stages. 

When dental problems go unaddressed, they don’t get better on their own—they get worse over time. This means that a cavity that would have only required a simple filling might need a more complex or drastic treatment in the future, like a root canal or tooth extraction. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can help you overcome your anxiety—and regain control of your oral health. 

What is Sedation Dentistry?

There are several different types of sedation dentistry, but all of them are designed to help eliminate anxiety so you can receive dental care in a relaxed state. It’s very safe—and effective! Here at the Buzza Dental Group, we use oral sedation and IV sedation, both of which are excellent for patients with varying levels of dental anxiety. 

With oral sedation, we give you a small blue pill to take before your appointment. It will make you feel sleepy and relaxed, so you’ll need to have someone drive you to and from the office. During your visit, you’ll feel quite groggy and may fall asleep—but you’ll still be able to communicate with our dental team if needed. 

With IV sedation, a carefully controlled dose of sedative medication is delivered directly into your bloodstream. It works quickly and helps you sleep away your appointment—an ideal choice for those who need a deeper level of relaxation during their dental procedures. You likely won’t remember much of your visit—and as with oral sedation, you’ll need someone to drive you home. 

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Beyond its ability to relieve anxiety, sedation dentistry offers other benefits, including: 

  • Sedation prevents pain. Sedation dentistry not only relieves anxiety but also guarantees a comfortable, pain-free experience. Even with our advanced dental techniques and technologies, some individuals prefer the added assurance that their treatment will be completely painless. Sedation makes this a reality.
  • Sedation speeds up healing. During sedation, your body doesn’t produce “fight or flight” hormones that can lead to nervous tension and hinder your body’s ability to heal. By preventing the release of these hormones, sedation promotes faster healing, and you wake up feeling calm and relaxed.
  • Sedation can save time. Sedation can be a time-saving solution for patients in need of extensive dental work. It allows us to accomplish more in fewer appointments, so you don’t need to come back for multiple visits. With sedation dentistry, we can address years of dental issues in a single, comprehensive visit.
  • Sedation eases your gag reflex. Some patients have an overly sensitive gag reflex, which can make dental procedures uncomfortable. Similar to how sedation blocks pain, it can also block the sensations that make you feel like gagging. 

Dr. Buzza and our team at the Buzza Dental Group know how difficult it can be for patients with anxiety and who have had traumatic experiences at the dentist to simply make an appointment—but we’re here to help you through it all and have the healthy smile you deserve. 

Dr. Buzza has been a certified sedation dentist for decades—and he’s one of the few, perhaps only, dentists in the region with his depth of experience in administering IV sedation. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities!

So, if dental anxiety has been holding you back from getting the dental care you need, there are effective solutions available. Don’t let fear stand in the way of your dental health—schedule an appointment and discover what a game-changer dental sedation can be! Call Team Buzza today at 707-573-0600 or book an appointment online.

Understanding IV Sedation: Your Path to a Stress-Free Dental Experience

At Buzza Dental Group, we understand that the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair (or even scheduling a dental appointment) might not be your idea of fun. In fact, for some, it can be downright nerve-wracking. 

It’s very common to have some level of anxiety about visiting the dentist; research suggests more than half of Americans do. However, there are some folks whose dental anxiety causes them to postpone or forgo their dental care entirely. 

That’s exactly why we want to chat with you about IV sedation—a game-changer for anyone who finds dental visits more than a little daunting. IV dental sedation offers a safe, comfortable solution for fear and anxiety that allows patients to get the care they need. 

IV Sedation: A Gentle Journey to Relaxation

IV sedation (also called “sleep dentistry”) is a straightforward process where we introduce a sedative directly into your bloodstream. The sedative takes effect quickly and puts you into a very relaxed state. You may fall asleep, but you’ll still be conscious and able to respond to any of our questions or instructions.

Dental sedation does wonders beyond just easing anxiety; it also plays a significant role in the recovery process. When anxiety kicks in, your body tenses up and shifts into a “fight or flight” mode. This heightened state of alertness can actually slow down the healing process because your body is focused on responding to stress rather than repairing itself. By using dental sedation to achieve a state of calm, your body avoids this stress response and can fully relax. Not only does relaxation make your dental procedures more comfortable, but it also sets the stage for a quicker, smoother recovery.

An added benefit is that once the sedation wears off, your memory of the procedure will be fuzzy or nonexistent. And don’t worry, your safety and comfort are our top priorities. We’ll be keeping a close eye on you and monitoring you throughout the entire process. IV sedation can be used for any procedure that has you feeling nervous, from routine cleanings to implant surgery

I love that he was warm and welcoming

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Today I had my consultation with Dr. Buzza along with x-rays and our plan for the work to be done. From my first phone call to his office to my visit today they made me feel calm and at ease. Which is something I am not ever in a dentist’s office. I have opted for sedation dentistry for numerous reasons. I love that he was warm and welcoming and explained what he saw in terms I understood and what a good plan of action is for what is going on. I did not feel judged or like a freak because of my phobias. Although I am not totally looking forward to what’s coming, I know I will be in good hands and can get most of the work I need done all in one visit while sleeping. I appreciate how very kind, caring and concerned for my well being he and his staff are.
Marcia Caskey

It’s important to know that you may feel drowsy for hours after your treatment, so you’ll need someone to drive you home. You’ll need to take it easy when you get home and avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours. After that, it’s back to life as normal! 

The beauty of IV sedation lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. It works quickly to melt away your anxiety and fear as if they were never there. And because you’re likely to forget the procedure details, it makes future visits a breeze. At Buzza Dental Group, we’re all about making your dental experience as pleasant as possible, and IV sedation is a great way to do that!

Is IV Sedation Right for You?

IV sedation can be the perfect option for a wide range of patients, including those who:

  • Have dental anxiety or phobias
  • Have had bad or traumatic dental visits in the past
  • Have a strong gag reflex or sensory issues
  • Have difficulty sitting still during dental procedures
  • Need a long procedure or multiple procedures, like dental implant surgery or multiple restorations

The Advantages of IV Sedation vs. Other Types of Sedation

Beyond reducing anxiety, IV sedation offers some advantages over other types of dental sedation:

  • Deep Relaxation: IV sedation takes you to a deeper state of calm than you’d get with just oral sedatives or nitrous oxide (laughing gas). 
  • Speedy Comfort: Thanks to the direct route into your bloodstream, the sedation kicks in almost instantly. We’re talking seconds, not minutes, to start feeling relaxed.
  • Swift Bounce Back: Waking up from IV sedation typically feels quicker and clearer compared to oral sedation. You’ll be back to your usual self in no time!
  • Gentler on You: Compared to other sedation methods, IV sedation tends to have fewer side effects, so you can expect less discomfort post-procedure.

Curious to learn more or think IV sedation might be right for you? Feel free to reach out to us! 

Ready to See How Comfortable Your Dental Care Can Be?

If you’ve been avoiding the dentist for any reason, we encourage you to reach out to us. As the only certified IV sedation dentist in Santa Rosa—and the first to bring sedation dentistry to the North Bay decades ago—Dr. Buzza has a long-standing commitment to making dental care accessible, comfortable, and fear-free for everyone. We understand everyone’s dental journey is unique, and we’re here to provide personalized care tailored just for you. 

Don’t let anxiety keep you from achieving the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve. Let us help you overcome your dental fears with compassion and understanding. Contact Team Buzza today at (707) 573-0600 to learn more about how we can transform your dental experience into a positive one. Your comfort and care are our top priorities, and we look forward to welcoming you into our family!

Dr. Buzza, DDS


Enriching Lives, Exceeding Expectations

2448 Guerneville Rd. Suite 1200, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: 707-573-0600 • Fax: 707-324-1234